Monday 17 August 2015

How to Get Higher Score and Run Longer in Temple Run 2

Temple Run 2 has been a popular ADV game for a long time, which you can find on 9game easily.

Here are some tips and tricks for Temple Run 2 help to make sense of it all and get ahead.  Things can be a little tough for new players especially when all stats are recorded and shown publicly.

If you want to get higher scores and longer runs in Temple Run 2 on the Android & iOS systems (iPad, iPhone, etc.), then look no further.

I've compiled some tips to make your life a little easier. You'll be getting higher scores and longer runs in no time.

Tips for Temple Run 2 Survival

1.Don't Focus TOO Much,I've noticed that if I try too hard and focus too much, I fail more often. Some of my longest runs are when I'm relaxed and just using my instincts.

2.Also, try not to focus directly on your character. Spread out your view to what's coming ahead so you can adequately prepare for oncoming obstacles.

3.Jump Before Cliff Hangers

4.Something that will help you survive cliff hangers  a bit easier is to get used to jumping right as you see them. As you're in the air, lean toward the side you can run on, and you'll land there.I do this primarily because on longer runs, you're running so fast that simply leaning doesn't always get you there in time. Jumping and leaning in the air gives you ample time to land safely.

Besides Temple Run 2, you can find other ADV games on 9game.
App Recommend: iLauncher - iOS7 Launcher

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