Thursday 21 August 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man:Pictorial Walkthrough

In this action game The Amazing Spider-Man , you will control the hero Parker to fight against evil. There are more than 35 separate tasks, a variety of unique skills which can help you experience the magic of Spider-Man. You will be hanging in the game presented in 3D in New York city, using Spider-Man's extraordinary ability to save mankind, explore the secrets of the city. Currently detailed pictorial walkthrough of 26 main tasks have been completed, for your reference. 

First stage: Return of Spiderman  

At the beginning of the game, there is a piece of animation, our Mr. Spiderman show a little skill, and then received the first task which is to rescue the besieged President. 

You need traction by spider silk, silk swing to the yellow reflectors, which is the destination of the task. Following the prompts of the game, it's pretty easy to reach the point.

After finding a group of criminals, you must kill them. You can fight them in three ways, through the game tips, it's easy to handle these enemies. You can get to know the game through first stage. After the batter can try as much as possible and avoid counterattack, because in the back of the battle is still very useful, especially to avoid the distant guns shoot enemies. 

After killing the enemy, talk to the lady. 

You need to protect her to Times Square, which is below the floor. 

Game settings is very reasonable, there are tips and maps which can show you where to go. In the game you will often find some Osborne spider pattern which can buy you some medicines and other aid items in the store. 

Mission completed.

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