Wednesday 11 February 2015

Golden Cheats for Crossy Road

9game offers you Crossy Road for free download. Here are some golden tips for you to accompolish this game!


Crossy Road is an endless Frogger-like from Hipster Whale. In this game, you’ll guide one of 50 charming characters across a ridiculously busy, never-ending stretch of highway while dodging cars, trains, eagles, and other voxel-splatting hazards. 9game's Crossy Road Tips, Cheats and Strategies will help you stay splat-free for as long as possible.

Before each run, decide if your primary goal is a high score or extra gold. Choose your character according to this goal. Some characters that may be difficult to achieve a high score with are actually beneficial when collecting coins. For example: characters that run at night are more challenging to play as, but coins are extremely visible when highlighted against the darkness.

For high scores, play in landscape mode. Portrait mode is more comfortable, but landscape gives you a wider view of the screen, making it easier to see where traffic and other dangers are. You can plan farther ahead in portrait mode, but you can see immediate threats more easily in landscape.

Find your “power animal.” Although characters have the same size hitboxes (area in which they can be killed) and speed, you’ll almost certainly find yourself doing better with specific characters over others. Their different appearances, noises, and even style of movement will all work together to either agree with you or distract you. (Personally, I do best when using the Black Sheep, and worst with the Swift Snail, even though neither one is intrinsically “better” than the other.

You will die. Like its naming inspiration, Flappy Bird, Crossy Road will kill you repeatedly. Death is inevitable and plentiful, but trying again is quick and easy. The ways to die include: being run over, jumping into a moving vehicle, being abducted by an eagle, falling into a river, and more. And yes, even aquatic animals will die when they fall into water.

Always aim for grass. The only safe areas where you can take a breather without being killed by a moving object are the grassy medians and lily pads. If you aren’t currently standing on one of these, you’ll need to be alert and focused on what’s coming at you.

Master the fast tap. Although the best strategy overall is to take your time and plan your moves individually, you can often power your way through a large gauntlet of hazards via fast taps in a straight line. This is usually most helpful on roads where cars are synchronized.

…But always count your taps. If the road you’re trying to cross is three lanes long, fast tap four times and then stop. It’s easy to get so into what you’re doing that you keep tapping and run right into the next obstacle; counting while you tap helps prevent this.

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