Thursday 5 February 2015

Real Racing 3 – Useful Driving Tips

Here,9game provides you 10 tips and cheats you need to know about real racing 3.Please check it out!
To save R$, try to stick with a single car in a series until your money reserves have plenty of R$ in them. It’s makes more sense to upgrade one car in a series and make it stronger rather than have multiple partially upgraded cars.

Real Racing 3 Tips
Once you get to the point you have more than one car in a series, try to keep one car without any upgrades. Another problem with the matching is that it seems to make the cars you race against with that when you are using a lower performance car much easier. Keeping a base level car gives you another option to try to get a trophy on a tough race.
You will find that once you have four or more cars total you will generally always have at least one car available to race. Even if the other ones are repairing, you should have one to race. It may not be the race you want to do, but every race you complete helps you gain in-app cash and progress.
Be Friendly, Overly So In Real Racing 3, when you race and beat the time of one of your Game Center of Facebook friends, you get a bonus in R$. And not just a little bit, can be a lot, just for having friends who are slower than you! So, it’s best to add as many friends as you can to maximize the bonus opportunities. Check out Carter’s post for more on this and Time Shifted Multiplayer tips.
De-Dub-It, please. Another thing that helped my times was to turn off the horrible dub step in the game. You can do this by going to the Options, Settings, and turning the music down to 0%.
Re-Re-RE-RACE. Race matching can feel wrong at times with some opponents being really much worse than you and others being way stronger. I’ve found that if you retry a race a few times the opponents will get easier overall. This only seems to work if you try the same race immediately though. It’s like the game is rewarding you for getting back on the bicycle.

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